Greetings from ITS India Forum

As part of our ITS Technologies Webinar Series, we are excited to invite you to our upcoming Tech Webinar on ADAS for Next-Gen Road Safety. This insightful session will feature renowned experts from India and Europe discussing the latest advancements in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and their impact on enhancing road safety.

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Roundtable Discussion: Barrier less Tolling in India

We are delighted to invite you to participate in an exclusive roundtable conference on “Barrierless Tolling in India: Towards Efficient, Sustainable & Innovative Infra,” organized by Primus Partners in collaboration with Think Infra. This unique event will bring together policymakers, technology providers, toll operators, legal experts, and user representatives to collaboratively design a roadmap for implementing GNSS-based Barrierless Tolling systems in India. The event will feature the release of an approach paper titled “Transitioning to Barrier-less Tolling using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Technology” by Shri Nitin Gadkari, Hon’ble Minister of Road Transport & Highways.

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ITS India Forum Signs Landmark MoU with SAU & Geospatial World to Advance Intelligent Transportation Systems

The year 2024 will be remembered as a groundbreaking moment for India as it made its historic debut at the ITS World Congress held in Dubai from September 16th to 20th. For the first time in 30 years, India showcased its advancements in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) on a global platform, reaffirming its position as a leader in innovative transportation solutions. The India Pavilion served as a beacon of progress, highlighting the nation’s commitment to enhancing road safety, improving urban mobility, and revolutionizing transportation systems.

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ITS India First AGM

ITS India First AGM

ITS India Inaugural AGM and Annual Summit: A Step Forward in Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Transportation! We are excited to announce the successful conclusion of ITS India's Inaugural Annual General Meeting and Annual Technical Summit, held in New Delhi. This landmark event brought together industry leaders, government officials, and domain experts to celebrate our achievements and set a visionary course for the future of mobility in India.

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Celebrating India’s Participation at ITS World Congress 2024

The year 2024 will be remembered as a groundbreaking moment for India as it made its historic debut at the ITS World Congress held in Dubai from September 16th to 20th. For the first time in 30 years, India showcased its advancements in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) on a global platform, reaffirming its position as a leader in innovative transportation solutions. The India Pavilion served as a beacon of progress, highlighting the nation’s commitment to enhancing road safety, improving urban mobility, and revolutionizing transportation systems.

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Read more about the article Advancing the Green Corridor Project for Ambulances
Advancing the Green Corridor Project for Ambulances

Advancing the Green Corridor Project for Ambulances

Our recent webinar on “Advancing the Green Corridor Project for Ambulances”, held on 10th September 2024. This informative session brought together key industry leaders and innovators who discussed the transformative potential of the Green Corridor initiative in Bengaluru.

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