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Tailored Membership for your Organization

ITS India offers a range of membership packages. Our membership tiers are designed for organizations at every level of the industry from start-ups to highly established companies.
Contact us to discuss the perfect membership package for your organization.

Premium Member
Rs 10 Lakh/-
  • Opportunity to Chair ITS Working Group or Committees.

  • Become Governing Council Member

  • Invited as Guest in the yearly ITS India Forum Award.

  • Participation in specialized working groups to address Organization-specific challenges.

  • Access to funding opportunities and partnerships for projects.

  • Getting Chance to show your concern, solutions and technology in front of responsible Ministries

  • Develop your organisation through physical and digital participation in programmes and communities.

  • Learn using our world-class research platform, discovering connections and anticipating trends in time to act.

  • Lead through the Forum platform and take issues that matter to your organisation and society to the global stage.

  • Engage in initiatives and co‑create partnerships to shape the global agenda and make positive impact.

  • Connect with a global community of thought leaders, CEOs, heads of state, academics, public figures, cultural leaders and technology disruptors.

Meeting in an office
Corporate Member
Rs 5 Lakh /-
  • Opportunity to be selected into ITS India Governing Council Member (Max 3)

  • Member to working committees and group

  • Chance to get elected by Members as Chair to committee

  • Connect with a global community of thought leaders, CEOs, heads of state, academics, public figures, cultural leaders and technology disruptors.

  • Engage in initiatives and co‑create partnerships to shape the global agenda and make positive impact.

  • Lead through the Forum platform and take issues that matter to your organisation and society to the global stage.

  • Learn using our world-class research platform, discovering connections and anticipating trends in time to act.

  • Develop your organisation through physical and digital participation in programmes and communities.

  • Access to funding opportunities and partnerships for projects.

  • Participation in specialized working groups to address Organization-specific challenges.

  • Participate in the yearly ITS India Forum Award.

Business Consultation
Startup Champion
Rs 1 Lakh /-
  • Promotion of Start-up companies' services and products through ITS Forum Platform.

  • Inclusion in the ITS Forum website of member companies for enhanced visibility.

  • Access to funding opportunities and partnerships for projects.

  • Participation in specialized working groups to address start-up-specific challenges.

  • Participate in the yearly ITS Forum Start-Up Label Award.

Professional Meeting
Premium Membership for Professionals
Rs 10,000/ paid annually or Rs 1000/- paid monthly or Rs 1 lakhs for life Membership
  • Members will get Articles, Videos, and Personalised Content Feeds from the Forum.
  • Monthly Digital News Bulletin from the Forum.
  • They can write articles for ITS Forum Magazine,
  • They can create Custom topics.
  • One page Advertisement space free in Digital News Bulletin - Four times a year.
  • Download a PDF of any topic.
  • Access to advanced analytic tools of the Forum.
  • Opportunities to lead or participate in specialized committees and working groups.
  • Priority consideration for speaking engagements.
  • Access to webinars, workshops, and training programs at discounted rates to enhance skills and knowledge.
  • Networking opportunities with experienced professionals in the ITS Industry.
  • Mentorship programs to receive guidance from senior professionals.
  • Reduced fees for events and conferences.
  • Shortlisted for Awards and Recognition by the ITS Forum Awards Industry.
Pro Membership for Professionals
Rs 5,000/ paid annually or Rs 500/- paid monthly or Rs 50 thousand for life Membership
  • Members will get Articles, Videos, and Personalised Content Feeds from the Forum.
  • Monthly Digital News Bulletin from the Forum.
  • They can write articles for ITS Forum Magazine,
  • One page Advertisement space free in Digital News Bulletin - once a year.
  • Consideration for speaking engagements.
  • Access to webinars, workshops, and training programs at discounted rates
  • Networking opportunities with experienced professionals in the ITS Industry.
  • Mentorship programs to receive guidance from senior professionals.
  • Reduced fees for events and conferences.
  • Eligible for Awards and Recognition by the ITS Forum Awards Industry.
Student Membership
Rs 2,500/ per annum or Rs 250/- per month or Rs 25,000/- for Life membership
  • Age category: 18-25 Years
  • Discounted or complimentary access to conferences and workshops.
  • Mentoring programs with higher professionals to guide career development.
  • Access to a dedicated online forum for student members to connect and share knowledge.
  • Poster Competitions
Man with Beard
Retired Professionals Membership
Rs 5,000/ paid annually or Rs 500/- paid monthly or Rs 30,000 for life Membership
  • Age category: 60 Years & Above
  • In addition to the benefits of Pro Membership for Professionals
  • Continued involvement in the ITS community through volunteering opportunities.
  • Advisory roles on committees and projects to share expertise and insights.
  • Access to exclusive networking events with current and retired professionals.
  • Eligible for special recognition for a lifelong commitment to the ITS Industry
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